Satoshi Morinozuka (銛之塚 悟, Morinozuka Satoshi) is the son of Akira Morinozuka, the younger brother of Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka, the captain of the junior high school Kendo Club and a member of the Karate Club, to which Yasuchika "Chika" Haninozuka is the captain.
Satoshi and Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka are nearly identical in appearance with Satosohi being a younger version and Mori being slightly taller than Satoshi.
Compared to his brother Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka, Satoshi is talkative and outgoing. He is also a devoted member of the Morinozuka clan, going so far as to hit Yasuchika "Chika" Haninozuka with a stick when he is rude. Satoshi is friends with Chika and cares about him, as demonstrated when he quickly apologizes after making the boy cry. In contrast to Chika's disdain for his older brother, Mitsukuni "Honey" Haninozuka, Satoshi actually adores Mori even though they are so different.
Satoshi is first introduced with Yasuchika "Chika" Haninozuka in Chapter 29 after Mitsukuni "Honey" Haninozuka mentions to Haruhi Fujioka during the cultural festival that both he and Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka have younger brothers.
In a small part of the manga, it is shown that Satoshi likes spicy food after the twins put hot sauce in his tea.
Chapter Appearances
- Chapter 29
- Chapter 30
- Bonus story: Chika-chan and Mori's pet chick, Piyo-chan
- Chapter 57
- Chapter 71
- The name Satoshi means "enlightenment" (悟).
- Satoshi's surname Morinozuka means "harpoon, lance" (銛) (mori), "this" (之) (no) and "mound, hill/hillock, heap, pile, drift, stack, bank" (塚) (tsuka/zuka).
- Satoshi only appears in the manga a few times and never in the anime.